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Demo Routine (32:13)

Here's what to expect...
  • warm up: this series was “nice and loose”. this warm up should offer a pleasant standing stretch, but especially if your hamstrings are tight, keep a soft bend (or big bend) in the knees when forward folding. this will also protect the lower back!
  • right oblique: this series has a little of everything (super effective way to work the oblique btw). get ready for kneeling, single leg planking and side planking. 
  • *lunge: time to practice the curtsey lunge! if you are finding pressure in the knee, consider doing less of a cross with the opposite leg, and don’t be afraid to shift your weight backwards so the knee rests behind the ankle. 
  • right leg: reminder to check out the “kneeling single leg tutorial” for more tips on this section.
  • *bridge: ride that pony!
  • repeat, stretch, shoulder kisses
*indicates series where 2/3 lb weights can be used